Virtual World Exhibition Metrics

Providing insight into how visitors inhabit a virtual world exhibition

OOM Creative worked with the National Portrait Gallery, Canberra, on a series of data visualisations - derived from metrics data.


With over 48,000 points of information collected through the great Maya Realities metrics service, OOM Creative took the raw data and generated visuals to enable the exhibition curator to present the success of the exhibition; weekly/daily visitor numbers, return visitors, accumulation of visitor time, number of artworks visited etc. From these we can report that the average visitor to Portrait Island would spend around 25 minutes in the exhibition space, and generally visit all 5 artworks of the exhibition in that time. We can also correlate from the visualisations that a shared experience of the exhibition (eg people visiting at the same time) increases the length of a visitor’s stay.


Click here to interact with a small sample of weekly data for the project. These web based interactive visualisations show who was there, for how long, and who they came in proximity with (the social network of Second Life). There is also a 3D heatmap showing the positional data of the avatars (blue dots mean underwater). Please note each avatar has been given an anonymous name for privacy, and the data has been altered and reduced from the actual recorded Second Life activity.

Any questions about this project, or our services, just send us an email

info @